International Chito-Ryu Karate-do Federation of Australia Inc
The International Chito-Ryu Karate-do Federation of Australia Inc (ICKFA) is a non-profit organisation that promotes and supports the growth and development of Chito-Ryu Karate-do in Australia. The ICKFA follow the teachings of Chito-Ryu's Soke Sensei and support the Sohonbu (International Headquarters).
Simplified Organisational Diagram of the ICKFA
Technical Functions |
Administrative Functions |
Soke Sensei |
Sohonbu |
ICKF Committee |
Honbucho &
Sohonbu Representatives |
ICKF of Australia
Management Committee |
Regional Head Instructors |
Local Committee |
Dojo Instructors |
General Members |
Current ICKFA Management Committee (2007-08)
- Honbucho - Mike Noonan Shihan [Sydney]
- ICKFA President & Sohonbu Representative - Martin Phillips Sensei [Sunshine Coast]
- Sohonbu Representative - Mark Snow Sensei [Blue Mountains]
- Secretary - Shane Ker Sensei [Sydney]
- Treasurer - Sheryl Higgins [Gold Coast]
Functions of the ICKFA & Current Projects
Although Chito-Ryu has a long history in Australia, the ICKFA is a relatively young organisation, being established in late 2005. As a result some of the things in the following list have not yet been fully implemented.
- Source and provide insurance coverage for: ICKFA events, member dojos, instructors and students
- Maintain and manage a member database
- Implement ICKF policies and frameworks
- Create and implement policies for risk management, OH&S, child protection, codes of conduct, etc
- Co-ordinate with the Sohonbu to arrange an annual guest instructor (Soke Sensei or Tanaka Sensei)
- Organise an annual national training camp for members
- Work with local associations to provide a national tournament each year plus regional tournaments
- Co-ordinate with Honbucho to visit all dojos annually
- Make available additional learning resources such as DVDs, manuals, website resources
- Communicate with members via national newsletter and website
- Provide marketing and administrative support to dojos
- Provide access to learning opportunities for instructors and senior students - NCAS coaching accreditation through the AKF, dojo management workshops, etc